Thursday, July 23, 2009

I'm There

Who's with me?

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Klikity Klakity Bipity Bopity

It seems sometimes that even though techhouse is a fairly "new" genre it gets bogged down by a host of chaps churning out the same old butter. I like this track though, it has many of the conventional tools of what is quickly becoming the current flavor it does manage to provide it's own flavor. And I might add uses monotony to its advantage. I will say however, were I mixing this into a set I would not use the entire 5:20. Still there's plenty here to enjoy.

Monday, July 06, 2009


Download this and listen to it. Now.

You WILL like it. I promise. It's the dude from Black Strobe doing a podcast for Little White Earbuds. Ever see a cat play with a mouse? This is what I imagine when I try to envision this guy doing his thing in front of a crowd. Crushing.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

I really dig this track,