You WILL like it. I promise. It's the dude from Black Strobe doing a podcast for Little White Earbuds. Ever see a cat play with a mouse? This is what I imagine when I try to envision this guy doing his thing in front of a crowd. Crushing.
Music, mostly
Rather good, I wish I had an "air car" to cruise in. I would go to the local "gas bar" and stare at the "hover lights". Later we could play "lazer ball" providing of course that we use "terran rules", not "galactic rules"
update: when i downloaded this originally it was a completely different mix. it opened with a great remix of 'behind the wheel' and was much more energetic. i wrote LWE and they said that the originally posted set was found to be the wrong one used on another site. but i got it. when i get it on my ftp i'll post.
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