Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Music & Misc. [6-24-08]
1. Padded Cell 'Night Must Fall' (new CD on DC Recordings)
2. Awesome weather (it's almost like we had a real spring--what?)
3. The Mole 'Ain't the Way It's Supposed To Be' (3rd track from his new full length on Wagon Repair--perfectly restrained yet funky, the stand-out track on a great album)
4. Redshape 'Robot/Neon' single (new on Music Man--no luck finding the 12" Stateside, but good old beatport.com is now carrying it...about 2 months AFTER it's release*ahem*)
5. Elitechnique 'Mirror Men' EP (April 2008 on Clone--more than just aping Moroder & friends, they write and play beautifully--unique within the current Italo tribute genre)
6. Ferrero Kinder Happy Hippo cacao/hazelnut (wafer cookies from Deutschland...hazelnut and chocolate cream-filled delicate scupltures)
7. Turntable Lab NYC location finally getting the Siriusmo "All the Girls" 12" in stock (on Exploited, earlier this year--candy red vinyl!!!!)
8. Nomo 'New Tones' (LP on Ubiquity, 2006--the "new jazz" label scared me, but this is fantastic...everyone should check...Fedor, I'm looking in you direction!)
That is all...what, you thought there'd be ten? This ain't that kind of list.
Monday, June 23, 2008
But of course
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
More shit from an asshole
I'd like to say that there will be some logical narrative to this entry, but if not, meh.
So lately I've been doing a little research (lots) into various conspiracy theories and just insane things our government has done. Why you might ask? Why not? Plus it's fun to see how much is real and how many are just plain goofy.
Lets start with one not many people might know about.
1.Big business hates the United states.
In 1933 6 rather powerful men tried to overthrow the American government and FDR and start a business run regime. Who, you might ask? Well the list consists of
The heads of.
Chase Bank
Standard Oil
The Dupont Family
Senator Prescot Bush (yes THAT Bush family)
They tried to hire Marine general Smedley Butler to lead the military against the then president and install a "fascist" (for lack of better term) regime.
Due to lack of foresight on the conspirators side, and research, Smedley was a supporter of FDR.
In the end they were brought before a congressional committee...and nothing happened. The Committee agreed that there was a plot, but nothing was done to said conspirators.
More fuel for anti Bush people (which at this point should be everyone).
Next on the hit list is a zinger from around the same time.
2.Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
So, you're a poor black man living in the south. Not an uncommon occurrence during the 30's. Being patriotic you decide to help out when the government comes calling. Little do you know is this, they are going to either...
A.infect you with syphilis
B. withhold penicillin from you to continue their research on the effects of it upon your person
God bless the U.S.A.
3.Operation Snow White
I won't even try to do this service with my ham handed attempts to describe it.
Clear out your thetans...
4. Project MKULTRA
Arguably the grandaddy of all theories ( or at least the one that ties into a lot of the JFK, RFK, the Unabomber theories and many many more).
Basically it was thus.
The United States army was trying to develop cheap and easy mind control. What to use, what to use? I know! A shit ton of government made acid!
Yes boys and girls, he government fucked up A LOT of people on acid (and various other drugs, supposedly) to try and see if they could control their minds. Which, speaking from experience, is rather easy (except for the lack of concentration, laughing and/or fear).
OK scratch what I said about number 4.
4. The lizard people rule the earth
Long story short, every powerful person on earth (or at least within the American and British government) is a lizard person. A. FUCKING. LIZARD PERSON.
(directly from wiki)
"In 1999, Icke wrote and published The Biggest Secret: The Book that Will Change the World, in which he identified the extraterrestrial Prison Warders as reptilians from the constellation Draco.[25]They walk erect and appear to be human, living not only on the planets they come from, but also in caverns and tunnels under the earth. They have cross-bred with humans, which has created "hybrids" who are "possessed" by the full-blooded reptilians.[26] The reptiles' hybrid reptilian-human DNA allows them to change from reptilian to human form if they consume human blood. Icke has drawn parallels with the 1980s science-fiction series V, in which the earth is taken over by reptiloid aliens disguised as humans.
According to Icke, the reptilian group includes many prominent people and practically every world leader from Britain's late Queen Mother to George H.W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, Harold Wilson, and Tony Blair. These people are either themselves reptilian, or work for the reptiles as what Icke calls slave-like victims of multiple personality disorder: "The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, the British royal family, and the ruling political and economic families of the U.S. and the rest of the world come from these SAME bloodlines. It is not because of snobbery, it is to hold as best they can a genetic structure — the reptilian-mammalian DNA combination which allows them to 'shape-shift'."[5]
In Tales From The Time Loop and other works, Icke states that most organized religions, especially Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, are Illuminati creations designed to divide and conquer the human race through endless conflicts. In a similar vein, Icke believes racial and ethnic divisions are an illusion promoted by the reptilians, and that racism fuels the Illuminati agenda."
I love the fact that he ties the illuinati into it as well.
The world is a horrible and scary place.
As the above video will show you....
Monday, June 16, 2008
Why wasn't there a black M.O.D.O.K?
Case in point, My wonderful,beautiful,intelligent girlfriend is at the beach with her parents. I talked to her for about five minutes earlier in the day (which is both great and sad at the same time, since all I've been able to do as of recent is talk to her on the phone. Which is a whole other neurotic break in and of itself). Long story short, she said she would call me later tonight. It's now three and I've received no phone call. I know I know, she was probably worn out from being in the heat all day. And I understand that, in the back of my mind. unfortunately in the lizard brain that seems to rule my life, I think there is some sort of deeper meaning behind it. And it just makes me unbelievably sad, with both the realization that I'm doing it (again), and on the other end, what the lack of Phone call means.
Things like this just kill me on a daily basis. I realize I should probably go back to seeing a head shrinker of some sort, but to be perfectly honest with you, I hated the time I was seeing one in the past. I realize now that it helped, but my circumstances were a bit different.I'd like to say this is a recent development in my life (or at least the realization of my neuroticism), but it's not. And I realize this sounds like a lot of belly aching, which it is to an extent, but if I can't put something here, where can I put it?
I apologize for the "realness" of this entry. Well not really, all of you can fuck yourselves if you've got a problem with it.It's my goddamn blog (kind of) and I will do with it what I so choose.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming...
And the follow up news report
Friday, June 13, 2008
No. YOU drink the piss....
I've recently watched the movie Rambo.
No, Not First Blood, which is a great movie. Anyone who hasn't watched it obviously doesn't understand why it was so sad that they made sequels.
Rambo though....where to begin?
This is a movie that going into I had very low expectations. For a myriad of reasons, Sly is a little past his prime, it's been twenty years since the last time John Rambo had to clean up a mess other people made, and all the pre-release videos,interviews, and other assorted what-not made this film look absolutely insane. John Rambo now lives in Thailand? He's a snake wrangler/Blacksmith? What the fuck is going on here?
I'll tell you what's going on here.....
One of the best throwback action films I have seen in a very very very long time.
Alright, lets get the plot synopsis out of the way. Rambo has retired to Thailand to live a quiet and simple life of snake wrangling for a local tourist "snake show", and ferrying people around in an old PT boat. He also seems to work on a smithing forge at points, why? God only knows. Enter the Christian Missionaries, their intentions are to go to War torn Burma and help the people by educating them to Christ, and providing medicine and other such shit that missionaries do. Rambo is, of course, trying to keep them from going by being a gruff old bastard. His lines consist mostly of "go home" and unintelligible grunts. Finally the "attractive" female of the group of missionaries gives him some hackneyed speech about helping people because you can, blah, blah, blah. Long story short, Rambo brings them to the Village in Burma, And then all hell breaks loose.
the scene opens up with pleasant music playing in the background as the camera pans around to various scenes of the missionaries helping the people (reading them the bible, giving them packs with what I guess is food, and of course a bible, you get the idea). After it pans around and up to the Doctor of the group helping someone, it does a quick cut to men in military garb loading a mortar, and then the explosions start. This is the part of the film that just doesn't care about offending you.
Villagers having their legs cut off by soldiers, Check
People getting their legs blown off by mortars, Check
Women getting shot, Check
Women having their shirts ripped off, and presumably raped, Check
Children being shot, Check
Children being bayoneted, Check
Building being burned down, Check
and the coup de grace.....
After said building is lit on fire, a Burmese soldier grabs a woman holding a child, pushes the woman out of the way, and throws the child into the burning building.
Yes I just typed that.
He throws a child into a BURNING FUCKING BUILDING!!
Don't believe me???
(2:09 is the sweet spot)
After the insanity that is this scene we are left to see what Rambo is going to do about it. If your answer is "bring about vengeance like a man with a sword made of AIDS" you would be correct.
From here on out the movie starts to be what everyone thinks a Rambo film is mindless,beautiful fucking violence. Heads exploding, snipers,an old S.A.S bastard who don't know Rambo's past, bow and arrow killings, and a twenty minute finale that is so amazing that I almost threw up something I ate in third grade from laughing so hard, in a good way.
One of the other things they got right with this movie is the length of it. An hour and twenty minutes or so. Perfect. Just enough time to tell a "story". Let's be honest though, this movie (as even Stallone has said) was made for fans of the Rambo series. I would like to say there is some deeper meaning behind it, but that would just degrade both of us, now wouldn't it?
All in all this movie is definitely worth watching. If not for the sheer absurdity of it, just to see a movie that doesn't flinch away from what made action movies great in the past (at least in my opinion). Sheer unapologetic violence on such an absurd scale you just have to watch the spectacle of it passing before you.
Next time: Maybe something more serious, but probably not...lets be honest.