Friday, November 21, 2008

The world is a cold dead place, and if it isn't, I'm gonna make sure it ends up that way....

Two in two nights, I know, kinda crazy.

After finishing my second forty of the evening my muse has struck me. Unfortunately my muse doesn't give me clear direction on where to go. It just tells me to write, so suffer through it.

I guess I'll just give a general update on where I'm at. Mind you the only people who read this (to my knowledge) live with me, or I talk to on a weekly basis. If not, and this is your first time ever reading this shit, turn back now. You've been warned.

So work is work. As my prior entry stated, the sum total I.Q. points of the people I work with (with a few exceptions) hovers somewhere in the high 80's. Yup, I work with a cavalcade of idiots. Well maybe that's a little too strong. Everyone who works on my shift I fucking love. Yes, even crazy Josh, who is currently banging an 18 year old who is married. This is the same guy who a couple of years ago brought some guns into work with the intent of "taking care" of his baby-mommas boyfriend. Absolutely terrifying. Yet I've learned that by being pleasant to him I've been taken off his "to kill list". Which between me and you dear reader is a HUGE load off my back. That dude is a bad day away from bringing the fires down from the heavens in the form of unbelievable violence.

So recently I've been to the village on two different "college nights". The people I've met through my SANE work friends has been great. They're all good people (as far as I can tell), but the Village is the place where sad horny bastards (male or female) go to die. Watching freshman sluts in white pants dance to a song that's three or four years old is just horrifying. I may not be in touch with "modern" music, but I know what they play there is lowest common denomanator. No if, ands, or buts about it. I could program a better set-list while blindfolded and with only my penis to choose records. Horrible image I know, I've seen myself naked.

On a completely differnet note...

I've started listening to music again. I know to most people this is a normal occurance. having worked in a record store for a couple years, and also going to shows for awhile, has made me hate most music. I don't even really care about new music. Wether it be to make fun of it, or just to know what's popular and avoid it. I just find with my work schedule I am more willing to take time to troll the internet for music, wether it's stuff I already know or is related to the music I love (Pogues,Elvis Costello, Soul, and recently I've rediscoverd my love for the Futureheads).
I still think 90% of the population should be sterilized based on their music taste, but I'm not in charge. Yet....

Something I was talking to my work buddy, travis, about was happiness. Gay, yes, but bear with me. He has been through an unbelievable time with his ex. And he and I were talking about when you meet someone new, how just the little things make such a difference. What you might ask? I know you didn't, but shut the fuck up and listen. You never really realize how unhappy you are until you have something to be interested in. Be it movies, Music, or even a girl. Yeah I said it.
Yes, i've recently met a young lady that has piqued my interest.
Eat all of my dick.
It comes down to this. You don't realize how unhappy you've been until you have this little spark. Then it makes you think about how happy/normal you could be on a regular basis without all the static. It kinda makes me sad that I've been so sad about my recent shit. I wish I could have just jumped right back into the saddle again and not been so down on everything. That's beside the point though. And even if things don't work out, I still feel an amazing amount of relief over the fact that people still find me interesting. You know what I mean? Justification of your personality always makes a man (or woman) feel good.

I guess that's it.
Enjoy what I should be doing with my life...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Alright douschebags....

So i feel as though my innermost god given abilities have been lacking as of recent. "What are those Eric" the masses cry. Why my ability to mix my utter disdain for the general public and my insane level of nerdosity. Yes I know that's not a word, fuck off.
So, to begin...

#1-I hate about 80% of the people I work with. it's not that they're bad people...Well yeah, most of them are. They possess the bare minimum needed to make it through the day without choking on their own saliva.Which not to sound like an elitist (which I am to an extent), but how in the FUCK did these walking piles of refuse get a job in the hospital? Really? This job is so tough that you can't somehow manage to build up a base level of skills?

#2-Work ethic-yeah I know this seems like something that most people would learn by age 20 or so, but I guess Lancaster, let alone the hospital is a goddamn geographical oddity (much like the store in "O brother where art thou" that doesn't have any dapper dan hair product). It seems this place is content on hiring the lowest common denominator to work in areas that, one would imagine, need some form of skill let alone WORK-FUCKING-ETHIC! If you can't finish something within your shift, hey man I understand, no I truly do. It's not easy being in the fast paced world of adult work. The least you knuckle dragging mouth breathers could do is ask for some help. Or at least inform the incoming shift; read-mine, that you will not have most of your work done. Jesus....

#3-Hey, you stupid drunk community college drop outs. It's cold, I'm going to walk quickly to pick up a forty and then go home to troll the Internet for six hours. I'm glad that my ability to walk quickly is so goddamn hilarious to you. No I really am. You know what's even funnier to me? The fact that you will go home with some random douschebag tonight and have the most unsatisfying sex that has ever happened in the history of the universe. Yeah I said it. Guess what bro, when you're waiting in line for bread in the eventual (yet ironic) future that the United States will have going, I'll be laughing at you from my tall ivory tower while I eat soilent green (it's made from people).

#4-I really like the comic "The Boys". Pick it up, along with Fables,Powers,Invincible, and Preacher. The best comic series to come out in the last twenty years.
Unbelievable levels of sacrilege? Check
Irish Vampire? Check
Hitman(woman) Girlfriend? Check
Violence on a biblical scale? Check

If that doesn't sound like the best comic ever I am going to summon the Celestials, and they are going to do their whole thumbs down thing on you and destroy your life...or something.

#5-I miss working at a record store. Well correction, I miss the ability to get music for free and have a regular life. Or at least a schedule that permitted me to actually interact with other human beings.It makes me kind of sad that I'm so out of touch with current GOOD music. Other than that though, people can eat every inch of my dick. It will be a very short meal...(sad face).

#6-I met a girl.
Fuck you.

Alright, I feel slightly better....

P.S.-It makes my balls hurt thinking about how awesome a public access channel would be in Lancaster

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Global reaction

An amazing montage.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

To see, or not to see...

A link to a blog containing reviews of different movies...

sorry Republics, no Bambi here...


I feel great. This song came on the shuffle this morning and it sounded better than ever.

Time to check my BarakObometer

I have to say I got a little chocked up last night when Barak was elected. It's probably the most positive historic event I have yet witnessed. I could go on about how significant it is, but I think we all know. I am hopeful but he's got his work cut out for him from the get go.

I'm proud of my State, my county, and everyone who made this happen. And I think it's pretty evident that everything below the Mason-Dixon line can be blasted into little pieces.

Kidding, .....sort of.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Music & Misc [11.04.08]

Time has slipped through our fingers. The day of reckoning is upon us...
Listed top down, in order of radness: from Kucinich-administration-rad to Obama- administration-still-pretty-rad...

1) Barack-ing the vote. Yes. I said it. I waited for 45 minutes this morning! Amazing turnout!

2) Move D. Everyone's loving this guy lately. Brilliant electronic musician from the early to mid nineties who's been releasing a string of refreshing house EPs and one long, twittering oddyssey with constant collaborator Benjamin Brunn. His RA podcast is one of the very few I can remember listening to the whole way through without fast forwarding. His career spans many genres and is ever-evolving, so keep watching.

3) Pumpkin carving and any pumpkin-related food stuffs.

4)Das Krause Duo. For anyone who likes the idea of dance music being made with 'real' instruments—this is your jam(s). Weird groovy syncopated beastly music.

5) Portable. You liked Bodycode, right? Then you should loooove the continuous string of releases Lisbon's favorite son has planned for this year and the next. Spooky shit.

6) Baaz. This guy is kind of new; has 3 EPs out since 2006 (Discogs is wrong). The 2 on Sthlmaudio Recordings are really nice—they have a deep late night sound, but still have enough energy to interest the sober dancefloor occupants.

7) Art Bleek. This is an overdue posting, I bought his Reposal EP last December and was loving the intricacies and fluid melodies. Everything was subtle yet assertive. His catalogue from the past year is divided between this kind of lovely, inventive, iridescent tech house and some pretty vampy, funky house music. I prefer the former, though it is all done very well. You don't have to read his bio to get that this guy is a skilled musician, not a just another 'producer'.

8) Pigeon Funk. On Musique Risquee from Montreal. Cracked-out funk techno whatever. Read and listen.